Tandem Truths
Tandem (adjective) working or occurring in conjunction with each other
Truths (plural noun) sincerity in action, character, and words.
A singular truth or 'one right way' is a limiting and dangerous perspective. To move beyond the binaries of right or wrong, either-or, this or that, my way or your way, Tandem Truths offers tools and resources to help people:
- respond to complexity with integrity,
- honour the multifaceted truths of one's own identity,
- engage in the dynamics of work, family and community.
Tandem Truths Consulting is a partnership between Brian Braganza and Tara Reynolds. We enhance people's capacity to hold multiple truths in tandem through coaching, consulting, and facilitation.
The Courage to Belong: Restoring Identity and Integrity for Self and System (20, 21, 28 & 29 September, 2024)
What Makes You Come Alive?: A Courage & Renewal event--Exploring the Power of Awe, Wonder, Resilience, and Delight (POSTPONED--Fall 2024)
The Courage to Belong: Restoring Identity and Integrity for Self and System (20, 21, 28 & 29 September, 2024)
What Makes You Come Alive?: A Courage & Renewal event--Exploring the Power of Awe, Wonder, Resilience, and Delight (POSTPONED--Fall 2024)